We have a separate trailer specifically for grooming, away from the distraction of the daycare and training dogs. We pride ourselves on taking time and care with grooming so that the dogs have a positive experience, rather than just trying to get the job done. We will work with you to discuss the options for the best results for your dog.
Mini Groom: £35.00
Dachshund (smooth haired), Chihuahua​
Small – Medium Groom: £40.00 – £50.00
Bedlington, Bichon Frise, Border Collie (Smooth coat), Border Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Cockerpoo, German Shepherd (Smooth coat), Lhasa Apso, Lurcher (Long haired), Papillion, Pointer (Shorthaired), Poodle (Mini & toy), Rough Collie, Schnauzer (Miniature), Shih Tzu, Springer Spaniel, Tibetan Terrier, West Highland Terrier, Labrador, Norfolk Terrier, Pomeranian, Yorkshire Terrier
Medium – Large Groom: £50.00 – £60.00
Flat Coated Retriever, Golden Retriever, Irish Setter, Labradoodle, Pointer (Wirehaired), Schnauzer (Standard), Setter (English & Gordon), Border Collie (Long haired), German Shepherd (Long haired), Golden Doodle, Husky, Malamute, Old English Sheepdog
Large – Giant Groom: From £70.00
Bearded Collie, Newfoundland, Poodle (Standard), Schnauzer (Giant), St Bernard, Chow
Bath and Brush
Miniature/ Small: £25.00
Medium: £35.00
Medium/Large: £40.00
Large: £45.00
Giant: £50.00
Hand Strip
Mini (Miniature Dachshund size): £40.00 – £50.00
Small (Terrier size): £50.00 – £55.00
Medium: £55.00 – £60.00
Large: £65.00 +
Prices may vary if the dog's coat is matted or in poor condition. We reserve the right to increase the price if your dog is difficult to handle or aggressive - this is due to the extra time required for these grooms. We will always try to notify you in advance if this is the case.